Use this random generator wheel to pick random countries in Asia. Click the logo on the wheel or the 'spin' button below.
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Before spinning, you can change the appearance, sound, and other settings of the wheel to match your style.
Click the Spin button (or the center of the wheel) and the wheel will start turning before landing on a random segment.
Do you want to create your own wheel based on this? Click the copy icon to copy the wheel. After that, you can add or edit slices.
Asia is the largest continent on earth both by size and population. About 60 % of the world’s population lives in Asia. In 2018, that amounted to 4.561 billion people.
China is the most popular country in Asia. In 2014 (yes, that's way before COVID), it counted 55.6 million tourist arrivals.
In practice: yes. In theory: no. That sounds confusing, but let us explain! In computer programs, nothing is truly random, but it is pseudo-random because a number generated by a program (algorithm) is by definition not random. That said, for 99% of use cases, pseudo-random numbers are considered random enough.
In short: yes the random spinning wheel is truly random and unbiased. Moreover, it can't be rigged! There is no way you can influence the chances of landing on a segment sooner. Changing the timing settings on the wheel will not influence the randomness in any way.
No! The wheel result is completely randomized. We do not run any pre-processing steps or other decision-making algorithms. The result the wheel lands on is chosen completely random and can not be rigged.