Become a pro

Get all features, remove ads, and support a small developer

  • Ads (in the future), save up to 3 wheels
Pro monthly
No ads, save 30 wheels, custom themes, add logos.
$4per month
Pro yearly
No ads, save 30 wheels, custom themes, add logos.
$39per year

Frequently Asked Questions

Why should I upgrade to a paid plan?

There are a few reasons you may want to consider upgrading:
  • You can create custom themes and add your logo. Perfect for companies, TV stations, or other organizations looking to brand their wheel!
  • You can save up to 30 wheels.
  • Unfortunately, running a site costs us time and money to maintain. If you'd like to support our work, this is the perfect way!
  • When you have a premium account, you're never bothered by ads (which we may need to implement to pay for upkeep).
  • Feature requests of paying customers end up higher on our to-do list if we deem it a good feature.

Can I cancel anytime?

Yes! You can cancel your subscription at any time via this dashboard. When you cancel, your subscription remains valid until the end of the paid-for period.

What happens to my wheels & themes if I cancel?

Your custom themes are removed. Wheels you created will be removed, except for the first 3 (which is the quota for free accounts).